9. Paying your zakah to the mujahideen

The distribution of zakah is restricted to eight categories: “Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [Zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler” (9:60)

In the cause of Allah “fisabeelillah” refers to the mujahideen. The Maliki jurist Abu Bakr bin al Arabi states: “Malik says: “The causes of Allah are many, but there is no difference of opinion that “in the cause of Allah” here (in the verse) refers to fighting”

Imam al Nawawi states in al Minhaaj when talking about the spending of zakah: “The fighter in the path of Allah is given what he needs to cover his expenses and the expenses of his family from the time he leaves until the time he comes back, even if he is absent for a long time”

Today not a lot of people pay their zakah to the mujahideen. But if Muslims would rid themselves from the whispering of Shaytan they would come to realize that the best way to spend their zakah nowadays is by giving it to the mujahideen because the Messenger of Allah (saw) says: “Charity cannot be given to a wealthy person except in five situations” The Messenger of Allah (saw) listed one of them as: “The fighter in the cause of Allah” (Related by Abu Dawud).

Now if zakah can be paid to the mujahideen even if they are rich what about when the mujahideen of today fulfill four out of the eight categories of zakah: They are poor, they are in need, they are wayfarers and they are the ones in the cause of Allah! So pay your zakah to the mujahideen and encourage others also.


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