12. Defending the mujahideen and standing up for them

The Messenger of Allah (saws) says: “Whoever protects the reputation of his brother, Allah will protect his face from Hell Fire on the Day of Judgment” (Related by al Tirmithi)

He also says: “Any person who betrays a Muslim whose sanctity is being violated and reputation is being dishonored, Allah will betray him when he is in need of help and any person who protects a Muslim whose sanctity is being violated and reputation is being dishonored, Allah will assist him when he is in need of help” (Related by Abu Dawud)

It is therefore our Islamic duty to stand up for the ones who are defending us and our religion. As a rule of thumb, we should never side by word or deed against our brothers in Islam especially the ones who have given up their lives for Islam and we should never side by word or deed with the disbelievers who are the enemies of our most beloved, Allah swt. And if one cannot speak the truth then at least they should remain silent.


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