Kisah Pendaki Gunung

Once there was an amazing hiker. This hiker was remarkably skilled at climbing mountains. He was never afraid to climb mountains by himself. One day he decided that he wanted to conquer the highest and steepest mountain. He began very early in the morning, and went by himself. He never lost his tenacity or determination to reach the top and conquer the mountain. As the sun set, he began to notice how steep the climb really was and he had only reached the middle of the mountain. He had the option to continue forward in the darkness or to climb down and attempt the climb another day. He resolved to continue on. As nighttime fell, the weather began to drop and it had suddenly become very cold outside. All of a sudden the skilled mountain climber lost his footing and fell, still holding on to his rope. His rope fell with him but stopped at a specific point. At this point however, the mountain was cleaved in and all around him was just empty space and nothing to hold on to. His hands began to bleed from holding on to the rope so tightly for dear life. He began to shout to God asking God to help him and save him from this situation. All of a sudden he heard a voice. The voice said, “Do you believe in me?” The climber, in his complete hysteria, responded, “I always denied your existence outwardly, but I know that you exist.” The voice said, “Do you trust me?” The climber responded, “Of course I do, You are the only one who can help me.” The voice then said, “Let go of the rope.”

The climber said, “That is insane. There is no way I can let go of the rope- it is the only thing that is keeping me alive.”

The next day a rescue team went out to look for the climber and they found his body still holding tightly to the rope. He had frozen to death.

When people saw the frozen climber, they could not help but ask, “Why didn’t he just let go of the rope? He was only two feet off the ground.”

Berita ni terjumpa dalam khutbahbank minggu lepas..Tertarik dengan jalan ceritanya yang boleh menjadi pengajaran buat diri yang sentiasa lemah ini..Dia ulas bagaimana keadaan manusia yang tidak percayakan Tuhan terus jadi percayakan Tuhan bila berada dalam kesusahan..Namun,sikap percaya sahaja tidak mencukupi kalau tidak yakin dengan perintah Tuhan untuk dipatuhi ini telah menyebabkan pendaki yang hebat ini mati dengan keadaan tergantung hanya beberapa kaki dari tanah..Subhanallah...

Begitu juga lah dengan kita..Sejauh mana kita ikut perintah Allah dan tinggalkan laranganNya yang penuh dengan hikmah untuk menyelamatkan kita dari bahaya dunia dan akhirat...

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman itu (yang sempurna imannya) ialah mereka yang apabila disebut nama Allah (dan sifat-sifatNya) gementarlah hati mereka dan apabila dibacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayatNya, menjadikan mereka bertambah iman dan kepada Tuhan mereka jualah mereka berserah.(Al-Anfal:2)


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